2016-2017 Initiation Hockey - Some Changes to Note!

Jun. 02, 2016

Thank you for your patience as we’ve been waiting for Hockey Edmonton to come to a final decision on the Initiation Program. The changes to make note of are as follows:

Discovery Program (Previously Initiation 1A)

This program is for brand new skaters, learning to skate with hockey equipment and incorporating hockey skills throughout the season. This program will remain on the weekends with each session being 45 minutes long. Ideally this will be for 2011 and 2012 birth years (4 and 5 years of age), dependent on skill level.

Timbits Program (Previously Initiation 2A)

This program has been split into two separate programs. The Timbits Program is for 2010 and 2011 birth years (5 and 6 years of age), but will also be dependent on skill level.

Junior Timbits

The Jr. Timbits program will be a 1 hour practice, once a week, on a Saturday or Sunday. There will be a Lead Instructor on the ice for practices, with several other coaches assisting. The Lead Instructor position will rotate between the “on ice coaches” and they will use Hockey Canada’s Initiation Program Curriculum.

Senior Timbits

The Sr. Timbits program will be two - 1 hour ice times per week (1 practice and 1 game) to be held on Saturdays and Sundays. There will be a Lead Instructor on the ice for practices, with several coaches assisting. The Lead Instructor position will rotate between the “on ice coaches” and they will use Hockey Canada’s Initiation Program Curriculum. During the “game” session, there will be a game on each end of the rink, with the middle of the ice being used for active rest, drills the kids want to work on, and unstructured small games.
We look forward to a great 2016/2017 Season in our Discovery and Timbits Programs!

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